1) Plants that vary in height
Placing plants of various heights around your water garden will enhance the visual appeal and aid in defining your water garden. Consider something like Hair Grass.
Aptly named for its hair like appearance, hair grass is soft to the touch and blows gently in the breeze. It provides the perfect environment for animals such as frogs and Koi to hide their eggs! Place this grass along your pond edge for maximum results.
2) Various textures
It's easy to implement plant texture without spending unnecessary time or money to add variety! Something as simple as Peat Moss can easily achieve the sought after charming look.
Place Peat Moss in shaded areas that surround the pond. This Plant provides the perfect accent piece! For a bold impact, place peat moss around and in between rocks for a storybook look.
3) Water plants!
Last but not least, add a water plant such as the Pond Lily. Think of this as your centerpiece. Pond lilies are easy to grow and have seasonal blooms that often last from Spring through Autumn.
These three plants won't break your budget! Best of all, Hair Grass, Peat Moss, and Water plants are simple to grow, great for beginners, and require little maintenance. Get these plants and more at http://www.gardenplantsnursery.com/